Saedah Siraj is Professor of Curriculum Development at Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. She has served as a lecturer for 37 years and the Dean of the Faculty of Education since 2009-2014, and founding Director of the University Malaya Centre for a Family Development which was established in 2003. She received her Ph.D degree in Curriculum and Instruction from University of Pittsburgh, in 1990. Her research interests include future curriculum design, innovation of models and modules for mLearning curriculum, empirical methods in futures studies, instruction and learning quality, literacy education especially for indigenous groups, and education for aging people. Saedah Siraj is the principal author of the books Kurikulum Masa Depan (Future Curriculum), Kajian Masa Depan dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum (Future Studies in Curriculum Development), Rekabentuk Kurikulum: Teori Praktis (Curriculum Design: Teory and Practice), Pendidikan Anak-anak (Children Education), Remaja dan Strategi Penyelesaian Masalah (Adolescent and Problem Solving Strategy), Design and Developmental Research: Emergent Trends in Educational Research. Chief Editor of the book of mLearning: A New Dimension of Curriculum Advancement, and Cognition and Learning: Issues and Strategies. She has published more than 150 articles locally and internationally. Professor Saedah Siraj is a pioneer in research studies and publications in mLearning in Asia beginning with the hosting and chairing of the international conference on mLearning in 2002. She is also a pioneer in the application of Futures Studies in education. She has successfully secured approval to establish a HUB for experts in the Faculty of Education to facilitate research, development and expert services for the country. She has successfully produced 37 PhD graduate students and secured a number of research grants both university and national level.