Łukasz Tomczyk, PhDr (adult education) Charles University in Prague – Czech Republic, PhD (media education, social pedagogy) Pedagogical University of Cracow, computer science engineer. Author of 7 monographs and 180 scientific articles, editor of 13 collective monographs. Researcher in few international projects. Lecturer at several universities (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Croatia, Brasil, Republic of Dominica). His research interest concern media education, information society and lifelong learning. Reviewer textbooks in the Ministry of National Education. Scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (young scientists). A member of the research network: EU KIDS Online and COST Action CA16207 European Network for Problematic Usage of the Internet. Associate Editor in „Education and Information Technologies” journal (Springer). He is currently (2021-2022) conducting research at the Italian University of Macerata on the digital competences of future pedagogical staff (funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange). He was also the head of a research group at the Pedagogical University of Krakow.